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lunedì 18 novembre 2013

July 2014 recipe - Ricetta di Luglio 2014

Bigoli in salsa -  Noodles with Anchovy Sauce

4 servings

For Bigoli noodles:

  • 4 cups whole wheat flour, plus a little more for bench flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup warm milk, with 2 tablespoons butter melted in

For the anchovy sauce:

  • 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 8 salted anchovies, filleted and soaked in milk for 2 hours
  • 1 medium Spanish onion, finely chopped
  • 2 bunches Italian parsley, finely chopped to yield 1/2 cup

To make the dough: Make a mound of the flour in the center of a large wooden cutting board. Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the eggs and milk mixture. Using a fork, beat together the eggs and milk mixture and begin to incorporate the flour starting with the inner rim of the well.
As you expand the well, keep pushing the flour up to retain the well shape. Do not worry that this initial phase looks messy. The dough will come together when half of the flour is incorporated.
Start kneading the dough with both hands, using the palms of your hands. Once you have a cohesive mass, remove the dough from the board and scrape up any leftover crusty bits. Discard these bits. Lightly flour the board and continue kneading for 3 more minutes. The dough should be elastic and a little sticky. Continue to knead for another 3 minutes, remembering to dust your board when necessary. Wrap the dough in plastic and allow to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.

To shape the Bigoli: Knead dough until smooth and tight, and let rest 20 minutes. Note: Do not skip the kneading or resting portion of this recipe. They are essential for a light pasta. Cut the dough into 6 pieces, and run each piece through a meat grinder set to the smallest extrusion size. As the pasta exits, cut it into 12-inch pieces and immediately dust with flour. Lay out onto a cookie sheet dusted with cornmeal, being careful to keep the strands separate. Finish all 6 pieces the same way.

Bring 6 quarts water to boil and add 2 tablespoons salt.
Place the noodles in boiling water, and allow 8 to 9 minutes to cook. 

In a 12 to 14-inch saute pan, place the oil, anchovies, and onion over medium heat and cook. Stir often to break up the anchovies until a paste is formed, about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain the pasta and toss into the pan. Add the parsley, toss over high heat 1 minute and place on a plate. Serve immediately.

Source: http://www.foodnetwork.com

Bigoli in Salsa

Per 4 persone

  • 400 gr di pasta fresca, bigoli 
  • 1/2 bicchiere di olio di oliva 
  • 2 cipolle bianche grandi
  • Sale q.b.
  • Pepe macinato a piacere
  • 8 acciughe (alici) sotto sale 

Sbucciate le cipolle, tagliatele a metà ed affettatele finissime. Versate in un tegame largo l’olio, aggiungete le cipolle e fatele appassire a fuoco basso senza farle colorire, aggiungendo eventualmente poca acqua calda se dovessero asciugarsi eccessivamente. 
Nel frattempo dissalate le acciughe (o le sarde) lavandole sotto l’acqua corrente poi sfilettatele per bene togliendo non solo la lisca centrale ma anche le eventuali laterali e riducetele in pezzetti. Quando le cipolle saranno diventate trasparenti, aggiungete le acciughe e lasciatele sciogliere lentamente e completamente, dopodiché pepate a piacere la salsa. Lessate i bigoli in abbondante acqua salata e, prima di scolarli, tenete da parte un paio di cucchiai di acqua di cottura che potrete, se necessario, aggiungere alla salsa per diluirla. Scolate i bigoli al dente e conditeli con la salsa ben calda di acciughe e cipolle, quindi servite immediatamente.

Fonte: http://ricette.giallozafferano.it

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